Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Top Mind blowing 5 Pokemon Facts

The world of Pokemon is filled with weird false assumptions and surprises.The creator of this world has left us, the fans, with so many clues and pieces to be put in their right place.But it seems the Dubbers did that as well. Below are in my opinion the top five mind blowing facts about pokemon

1. Ditto is said to be a failed attempt at cloning mew.Both pokemons share similar stats, moves,and coloring.And not to mention that  dittos are found in the same case where you can find Mewtwo, the successful clove of Mew.

2. The Move "Splash"  that Magicarp uses is a mistranslation.The original meaning is "Hop" .That is why it is a normal Move and not a water type move.

3. Azurill can swap Gender when it evolves into Azzumaril. there is actually a 1 in 3 chance that your Azurill will become male when it evolves.However, this is stopped being the case after generation 5.

4. Slowbro is the only Pokemon that can Devolve.According to its Pokedex, Slowbro is unique in its ability to return to its previous evolution Slowpoke.When a Shelder attach itself on slowpoke's tail, slowbro evolves.However, if it let go of its tail,Slowbro devolves.

5. Many people believe that Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee were named after Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee in the American version of the game.However, In the Japanese version, their names are Ebiwalar and Sawamular, which are highly thought to refer to the Japanese kickboxer Tadashi Sawamura and Japanese boxing champion Hiroyuki Ebihara.

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