Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Who is Lunala and Solgaleo ?

So as usual , with every new Pokémon game we get new legendary pokemons. Sometimes they impress and some times they disappoint.
This year's new legendary Pokémons are called Lunala and Solagleo.Both are based on the sun and the moon respectively.These new Pokémons are both Psychic-types and both of them appear on the cover of the new Pokemon game Sun and Moon

In order to get to know to know who are these Pokemons exactly, I decided to garner the most important information there are on these two to date.

Category: Moone Pokemon
Height: 13′01″
Weight: 264.6 lbs.
Type: Psychic/Ghost
Ability: Shadow Shield
“Since ancient times, Lunala has been honored as an emissary of the moon. Referred to with reverence as “the beast that calls the moon,” Lunala is constantly absorbing light and converting it into energy. With its wings spread to absorb the surrounding light and glittering like the crescent moon, it resembles a beautiful night sky. Lunala’s signature Moongeist Beam attack releases an ominous beam of light that disregards the target’s Ability. Lunala’s Ability is Shadow Shield, a new Ability that no previous Pokemon has had. With the Shadow Shield Ability, a Pokémon will take less damage from an attack that lands when the Pokémon has full HP.”

Category: Sunne Pokemon
Height: 11′02″
Weight: 507.1 lbs.
Type: Psychic/Steel
Ability: Full Metal Body
“Honored as an emissary of the sun since ancient times, Solgaleo is referred to with reverence as “the beast that devours the sun.” Solgaleo’s body holds a vast amount of energy, and it shines with light when it is active. It has a flowing mane with a remarkable resemblance to the sun. Its signature move is Sunsteel Strike, an attack that charges at an opponent with the force of a meteor, disregarding the target’s Ability. Solgaleo’s Ability is Full Metal Body, a new Ability that no previous Pokemon has had. With the Full Metal Body Ability, a Pokemon’s stats will not be lowered by the effects of an opponent’s moves or Ability.”

The setting of Pokémon Sun and Moon is called The Alola region It is  is made of up four natural islands and one artificial island.and one which is artificial. Players will encounter never-before-seen Pokemon on these 5 islands.It is a popular resort destination and attracts a lot of tourists from other regions.
In Alola, humans and Pokémon coexist in a very close relationship, and a culture has developed that is different from other regions.

Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon will be available exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS on November 18, 2016 and can be ordered from Amazon as of now.

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