Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How to build A great Pokemon Deck for TCG

          So just like Yu-gi-oh players, Pokémon Players struggle to build a great deck and find the best cards possible to beat your adversary. In this Post I will list a guideline for what I reckon is the best approach to take when playing Pokémon TCG.

           The first thing you should do is build a deck that consists of cards complementing eachother.DO NOT EVER make a random deck. For example , Electricity and Water complement each other. Electricity makes water moves much more powerful. Do you see what I’m trying to point out ?

           The second thing that you should do  is to always  have cards that counter the cards that your other cards are weak two. Confusing huh ? let me simplify it for you.So, if you have grass-type Pokémon and as you should know,grass-type  Pokémon are weak against fire type.
Pokémon, and you opponent plays fire type Pokemon,then you will be in big trouble.Right ? Well, not if you also have water Pokemon.That way you will counter your opponent’s fire type that counters your grass-type.

       Colorless type Pokémon can always help in building a strong deck as well .they can be used in any deck you have .They certainly will be helpful
        Always opt for a specific strategy. Do not change strategies in game. You choose of the ways to win and build your deck around it. Whether it was to collect your opponent’s prize cards, or make your opponent run out of Pokémon on the field or of cards.

         Use the right quantity.You cannot put too much of something or you will be destined to fail.Have what you think is the right number of Pokemon, preferably 20 , and the right amount of energies..etcThis of course changes depending on the deck you use so I cannot give you the right portion.The best thing you can do to find out , is use testing out your deck again ad again until you stumble upon the right formula.

       Have lots of trainer and supporter cards in your deck to gain advantage and use the far stronger EXs and concentrate on their abilities.

      If you see yourself lacking some cards , you can purchase them online from a trusted website like Amazon Click here.

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